Our project is underway


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Capital Cities Game

It's our mid-term break here in Ireland this week and I though that some of you would enjoy playing this game and in the process learn something about the countries of the participants in the project.

I realize that the game will be difficult for you because the cities have different names and spellings depending on your language. I'm going to help you a little by giving you the names of the cities that are required in order to complete the quiz. It is essential that you spell these names accurately so that the game will work.

The cities are Madrid, Bucharest, Warsaw, Paris and Dublin but not in that order.

Why not send a comment to tell me what your final score was.
Enjoy the game.

To start the game click on the green flag and if you want to stop at any time click on the red spot on the top right.


  1. Great game. I finished in 44 seconds! Can anyone beat this score?

  2. I needed more time: 97 seconds but the important is that enjoyed a lot. Congratulations Mary for the game.and thank you for sharing.
