Our project is underway


Sunday, 7 December 2014

The magic of the Celtic Forests.

Three teachers from two different schools of Spain decided to go to look for an antique celtic settlement in the North of Extremadura.
We had to wake up early in the morning, at five am, and we drove toward a small village called "Casas del Castañar". At eight o´clock we were in the village. We had a quick coffee and we started the way.
At 1:00 pm,  we were able to  arrive to the  Celtic settlement. We were in the roof of the world and the way had been very hard but it was worth it.
When we returned to the village we found a Celtic festival. In the main Square, a man cooked  "Carbotes" (Celt people  did already  it thousand years ago) for all the the people  and a  music group  played Celt music. There was  a small Celt market in the Square, too. We can see goats and pigs which were typical Celt animals.
And the most wonderful and beautiful that we could see were the forests. There was magic inside those forests and we could imagine to   Druids celebrating  their magic events.
We decided to share with all of you our celtic  experience.
The teachers were:
- Inmaculada Santos from "´Francisco Giner de los Ríos" school.
- Teresa Carballosa and Teresa Sánchez from "Nuestra Señora de la Antigua" school.
We want to thank to Verónica Alonso who took the photos,  althought she is only a voluntary member of the project.
We hope that you  enjoy as much as we did it.

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