Our project is underway


Sunday, 28 June 2015

We reach the goal!

     Two days more and our dear project about the Celtic world will be finished.
Congratulations to all of you for your work  and for being able to  reach the goal.
Thank you to my dear Glenda that she was next to me all the time!

     I wonder if anyone would you like to continue working on this project in October when the students will come back to the schools. I love this subject  and  I would not mind to continue with the opened project another year more.

     Let me know If you are interesting in it because we will have to do a new programme with new activities and  we have to agree  about the activities or events that we  want to do.

We will continue in touch, anyway.
A very big hug to all of you. 
It was a pleasure to share this year with you.


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Midsummer Bonfire.

In certain parts of Ireland there is a tradition of lighting a bonfire at sunset on St. John’s Eve June 23rd. This annual Midsummer celebration is to mark the birthday of John the Baptist.

In ancient times these fires were lit as part of a Celtic celebration in honour of the Celtic goddess Áine and to protect their crops and animals. People attending the bonfire participated in dancing and games around the fire and some men even tried to show their bravery by leaping through the flames.

There would be dancing and games in the open air and young men would try their bravery leaping through the flames.

Design by Jamelah.