Our project is underway


Wednesday, 4 November 2015

An etwinning conference

Some days ago,  Inmaculada and I were at an  etwinning  conference exposing our project on the Celts. There were teachers from all Extremadura. Our colleagues liked the project a lot. We are a good team, congratulation dear partners.

Others five EQL

Friday, 25 September 2015

An Irish QL

From Ireland, a new award to the project. Congratulations Glenda and students.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Celebrating Halloween!

Dear partners! How are you? I hope you are enjoying your vacations.

Glenda and I have been thought about our Celtic Project and we would like to share those ideas with you.

- What do you think about celebrate Halloween in our schools as an etwinning project during only October?
We think that the main characters should be our students so we thought about 9 activities that they will have to do in the twinspace.

These are what we have occurred:

In a Padlet, our students can write with short sentences what they know about Halloween.

In a prezzi, our students will upload information (short sentences, pictures or drawings about when, how, where.... lived Celts?

Our students will look for recipes for sharing in Halloween. Some of us will gather all the recipes and will do a book (Calameo)

Our students will have to investigate if there is a festival, songs. games... whose source is the Halloween of the Celts in their towns or countries. We ca use a tool called smore.

Every school can join their own rhythm and sounds in audacity for creating our own music for Halloween

Teachers can upload funny patterned fabrics about Halloween. Students will write short and easy sentences about the pictures.

Our students will do a poster about Ireland. We can use a Glogster.

We can congratulate halloween with real cards or they can do them in a virtual way, too.

Our students will go writing a story with short sentences and they can illustrate it, too.

We can create 9 pages at the same time and our students can go working at their own pace.

We can do these activities during the three first weeks of October and in the last week we can upload in the twinspace funny activities about Halloween for the others partners. This week we can do a videoconference and the last day of the week we will do our own Halloween festival in every schools. we can share each other later.
And the project will be finished, no more. We can use the twinspace of "Celtic Traditions along Europe" and the blog about Celts, too.

What do you think? We would like to know your own ideas and if we can count on you.
From the sunny Spain, regards.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

We reach the goal!

     Two days more and our dear project about the Celtic world will be finished.
Congratulations to all of you for your work  and for being able to  reach the goal.
Thank you to my dear Glenda that she was next to me all the time!

     I wonder if anyone would you like to continue working on this project in October when the students will come back to the schools. I love this subject  and  I would not mind to continue with the opened project another year more.

     Let me know If you are interesting in it because we will have to do a new programme with new activities and  we have to agree  about the activities or events that we  want to do.

We will continue in touch, anyway.
A very big hug to all of you. 
It was a pleasure to share this year with you.


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Midsummer Bonfire.

In certain parts of Ireland there is a tradition of lighting a bonfire at sunset on St. John’s Eve June 23rd. This annual Midsummer celebration is to mark the birthday of John the Baptist.

In ancient times these fires were lit as part of a Celtic celebration in honour of the Celtic goddess Áine and to protect their crops and animals. People attending the bonfire participated in dancing and games around the fire and some men even tried to show their bravery by leaping through the flames.

There would be dancing and games in the open air and young men would try their bravery leaping through the flames.

Design by Jamelah.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Céltic book of shadows






Today in 2nd grade class we have worked about the celtic magic signs and their spells. We haver learned that celtic used a book called the book of shadows, were ancient Celtics collected spells and magic potions recipes. As currently some people still makes shadows books, we decided to make our own book.

First of all, we read about celtic signs and its meaning; after it we recited some spells for money, good luck, love spells, etc.

We work in groups. Some of the kids started drawing and colouring book illustrations…

…giving an antique effect to the pages…

The cover is also important. It may have and old appearance and show clearly the tittle, so we worked to reach our objective


Many hands were required to work on it.


The kids enjoyed with the Celtic signs. Our book contains the most famous of these, and explain its meanings:




The next chapter talks about the spells.  We have decorated it after talk about spells


Finally we united the pages and… our celtic book of shadows was finished!


Great work kids!

Friday, 1 May 2015

Celtic traditions

SZKOŁA PODSTAWOWA NR 37, Białystok, Poland


Thursday, 30 April 2015

A new activity was finished today. Congratulations to all of you for your effort and very good work.
Luckily Glenda recorded a great video and now we can share our video-conference. Thank you Glenda, very well done.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

"The walls of limerick"


Polish students dancing "The Walls of Limerick".

Celtic instruments


This is a photo of Celtic instruments made by Polish students.

 Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

A Celtic Experience

A wonderful and exciting experience. The last March 24th we could enjoy on line with our European partners. We shared our songs, dances and Celtic instruments for a few minutes. All of us were very excited and happy. We had a very good time and I hope we will be able to repeat it again with the April activity. We know that there were some partners who liked to join but they had some problems for doing it. I hope that the next time we will be more than only 4 partners.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Celtic Homes in Ireland

The Celts in Ireland settled down throughout the countryside. Forts were the most common type of homestead.


Strong kings lived in hillforts. They chose a site on the top of the hill which gave them a good view of the countryside round them. They dug a deep ditch around the hill and used the earth to form a bank on the inside of the ditch.
The most famous hill fort in Ireland is at TARA


The most usual type of forts were the ringforts. There are still remains of the ringforts in the Irish Countryside.They measure 12 to 65 meters in diameter.They were surrounded by a sitch abd ab earthen bank. They built a house inside the ringfort. They made a roof of thatch made from straw or rushes. A hole was left in the riif to allow the ssmoke to escape. The interior was one large room.The floor was covered with dry rushes.
some ringforts had underground passages called souterraines which were used for storage or as an escape route in times of danger.

Staigue Fort is a magnificient example of a fort

In rural Ireland people were reluctant to go on to ringforts so that they wouldn't disturb the fairies. They feared that the fairies would bring misfortune to their lives. Today many ringforts have disappeared and the fairies were powerless to save them.


The word crannog comes from the Irish word for tree and uas usualy a partly man-made island. The island was constructedd using piles of stones, branches, logs and tree trunks They built a stockade round the edge. Inside huts were constructed. They used a wooden dug-out or a small skin-covered going to and from the mainland.

Link to a reconstructed crannóg


In the west of Ireland in places where there was little soil stone forts were built. These are great circular walls of stone, sometimes up to 5 meters thick. There was just one narrow entrance to the fort. Inside, fitted into the walls they built steps for the warriors to keep guard or defend the fort when attacked.

Dún Aengus is a fine example of a stonefort

Friday, 20 March 2015

10th anniversary

Inmaculada and myself would like to share with all of you how we and our students celebrated the tenth anniversary of eTwinning yesterday. It was a nice day. Our students met the first time and we did a common activity. We hope you enjoy like we did it.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

St. Patrick's Day

Today, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day. Although we are not Irish people we really enjoy this day. We usually learn a lot about Ireland.

Monday, 16 March 2015


Fifth class pupils have made a Photostory to tell the story of Cúchulainn. He was one of the great heroes of Irish legends and was known as The Hound of Ulster.They have recorded the legend in Irish a Celtic language.

The Legend of Cúchulainn in English

Long ago there was a boy in Ulster called Setanta. He was a nephew of King Conor. Setanta loved to play hurling. He had a hurley and a special ball called a sliotar.

One day King Conor went to a party at the home of a famous blacksmith called Culann. Culann’s watch dog was a fierce wolfhound with big, sharp teeth. Culann put the hound on guard and he closed the doors.

Soon afterwards Setanta arrived carrying his sliotar and hurley. The hound charged at him. Quick as a flash, Setanta hit the sliotar and sent in straight into the mouth of the hound.The great wolfhound fell down dead.

Culann was very upset when he discovered his great wolfhound was dead. Setanta said that he would be the guard dog until Culann could find another one. Setanta was given the name Cúchulainn which means the “hound of Cúlainn.”

Friday, 6 March 2015

An Irish Legend Oisin In the Land of Youth

Fifth class made a Photostory to tell the well known Irish legend about Oisín in the Land of Youth, an idyllic land across the sea where people remained young and beautiful forever.One day a beautiful woman crossed the sea and asked Oisín to marry her and go and live in the Land of Youth.After three hundred years Oisín felt homesick and persuaded Niamh to allow him return to Ireland on a visit. She allowed him but warned him not to get off the horse while he was in Ireland.

Oisín discovered that all his friend were gone. While travelling around the country Oisín came across some men trying to lift a large rock.He bent down to help them but unfortunately the strap of his saddle broke, Oisín fell to the ground and his horse ran away back to the Land of Youth. Immediately he turned into an old man. Oisin met Saint Patrick before he died.

Saturday, 28 February 2015

The Legend of the Children of Lir

Polish students wrote the legend both in English and Polish.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Celtic Parade

This year  the  whole teachers and students of "Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua! school dressed like Celtic people during the Carnnival parade. Here you are some photos as fun  day.