Our project is underway


Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Get to work. Mérida SPAIN

This is the title of the entrance that the librarian from my school did on the blog, today. She is Teresa Carballosa and she is my colleague in "Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua" school in Mérida, SPAIN.
From our library,  she  convenes at  all  our students from " Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua"  to create a logo for our project. At the end of October it will choose  two or three drawings  to send  to the twinspace and  put  it on our common wall.
It is a very good idea! Very well done!


Chic@s buscamos un logo que identifique nuestro proyecto. Para ello necesitamos un diseño con motivos celtas que sea representativo del trabajo que vamos a realizar a lo largo del curso.
Teneis todo el mes de octubre para realizar vuestro diseño que luego entregareis en la biblioteca.
Entre todos los participantes elegiremos el más representativo o un mezcla de ellos.
En las clases tendreis este cartel animando a la participación.


Tuesday, 23 September 2014

The new twinspace is underway...

Good evening!
Our project is underway! The new twinspace is already working.
I have created a page for every activity and I did  put my introduction in the October page. I made a movie with photos from my students. They had a flag  between their hands and then they described their flags. you  and the other partners have to discover who is who?
 On the other hand I tell you that I  already invited  to the project to all our partners. We are three from Ireland, three from Poland, one from France and two from Spain.
I  also invited my students to the project.
I hope I see you in twinspace.

Here it is my students introduction.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Mérida SPAIN. These are us!

Hi everyone!
These are us in our class.
Today we have prepared our presentations. In a few days you can find them in the new twinspace.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Dublin Ireland

Dia daoibh  is Irish for God be with you friends. Irish is a Celtic language that is still spoken in some parts of the West of Ireland.
We are the Fifth class students in Scoil Eoin. There are 17 students in our class 10 girls and 7 boys. Our teacher's name is Ms. Purcell. Our school is located in Kilbarrack a suburb of the city of Dublin. Our school is located in a beautiful area. We are only 700 metres from the sea front and Dublin Bay.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Mérida, SPAIN

Hello, in Spanish “Hola” , dear friends!
We are students at “Ntra. Sta. de la Antigua” Primary school from Mérida, Spain. There are 23 of us in our class, 11 girls and 12 boys.  Our school  is not very big but we are very proud of it. Our teacher is Teresa , our PE teacher is Rafa, our music teacher is Lourdes, our  Religion teacher is Susana and finally our English teacher is also Teresa. We are fifth graders and the most of us participated last  two years in  eTwinning projects called “What a beautiful town”, and "Looking for News" and we were awarded with the National and European Quality Label in both projects.
We hope enjoying a lot with this project “Celtic traditions along Europe”, too.

 These are us! This photo was taken  in the last days of last year. Two students will not be with us and we have three new  classmates.
Tomorrow we will write  a small text  where we will tell you our names and we will decribe an  European   flag and the country which represent.  Every student will  appear with a different flag. The photos will have a number from one to twenty-four and you have to guess our names.

We will show you our school, our teachers and our city and we hope that you will do the same.

We are glad to start this new project.

Friday, 12 September 2014


Introduce ourself, our school, our teachers, our town.(movie marker)

 I would like you to remember that during October we are going to work this issue.
You can start when you want and do it as you prefer. Some of us told  that they are going to introduce themselves using  games. I think that it is a very good idea and I am also going to do it.
My students will appear on a photo with an European community flag. Every student with a different flag. Then, they are going to write about the flag and the country that represent the flag. For example: colors which appear on the flag, the lines, the  crosses, the shields....  and the number of the inhabitants, the current, if it is in the North, South.....

You have to join the photo with  the description. In the description will appear the name of the child, of course.
Maybe your students  will have to look for some information about the countries but I think that it is a good game to start to work with European partners. I will put here it when we have prepared all the presentation.
Other partners are going to do the introduction using  phisically descriptions or clothes wearing on the photo.
Anyway we can send to the blog photos about our school, city, teachers, what you prefer. It is your work until the end of October.

Don´t worry if your students are so young, every school will do what they can, no more. Our students have to enjoy with the project and the teachers, too. 

Regards from Spain.

The desing blog

The blog has got three bodies:
- The central body where we will add our personals jobs. Every partner will go showing to the other partners how they are doing the activities from that month. It can be a photo, a text, a movie.... what you prefer. Our students can comment the different partners' entrances. Of course, they have to do it through your profile.
- The left body. Only I can be the  manager  from this body. This  will be my work, I will hang here  the  last common product every month. I will hang it  in the twinspace, too.
- The right body. In this side appears the name of the contributors (All of us) . You can see also the blog archive here.
Most of my school colleagues have joined to the project with my students  and you can find them in the blog too because they will participate parallel. Some of them are going to use Spanish or French language. In twinspace will appear the last production.
All of you can invite your school colleagues to participate on   the blog, too.  You can do now or during the year.

We are nine  partners at the moment.
Glenda Mckeown from Ireland and Teresa Sánchez from Spain. We have founded the project.
Mauran Corinne from France

 Dorota Zukowska from Poland
Kitty Sheehan from Ireland. (Tineteruffe)
Mary Purcell from Ireland.
 Inmaculada Santos from Spain.
Katarzyna Galeczka from Poland.
Mary Urys from Poland. (Tomek Urys)
- Glenda should address the project diary in the twinspace  and I will do the same but in the blog.
- When the new twinspace is operating  we will invite you to join to the project while we can work through the blog. 
Any problem,  here I am.  
Regards from Spain and good luck!

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

New Twinspace

Celtic traditions along Europe
Inscrito el 27.07.2014 | Estatus: Pendientes

We are going to introduce our own Celtic origins. Every country will look for Celtic traces in our regions or countries. From there we will build the project together. Every month we will do all together a new activity about them, we will create a setlement until to do a small play about Celtic traditions in front of our European partners, we can use skype for example. We will build an easy Celtic musical instrument or we try to write a book (Calameo) with Celtic legends in our own language. We can visit a Celtic setlement in our area as a finishing touch. We will create a common blog (blogger) where all countries will be members. Our students can participate in the blog through us and they can comment their partners´ jobs.
Arte , Geografía , Historia , Historia de las culturas , Lenguas extranjeras , Música , Teatro
Edad de los alumnos:
3 - 14
Herramientas a utilizar:
Audio conferencia, Chat, Diario del proyecto, email, Entorno de Aprendizaje Virtual (comunidades, clases virtuales, ...), Foro, MP3, Otro software (Powerpoint, video, fotos y dibujos), Publicación Web, TwinSpace, Video conferencia
To develop the pupil´s communication skills in a variety of ways, through English language, and use of technology. To promote the common cultural awareness amongst the students this or even next year with greater motivation to learn and use English and with a feeling of cooperation with other students from Europe
Proceso de trabajo:
OCTOBER Introduce ourself, our school, our teachers, our town.(movie marker) NOVEMBER Looking for Celts traces in our regions or countries. (prezzi) DECEMBER Who were Celts? How did they live? we can make a model of a Celtic settlement. Every country adds an element. JANUARY Celtic images and symbols. We can paint Celtic images or to do Celtic symbols. Every country chooses one of them. FEBRUARY Celtic myths and legends. Every country can look for one myth or legend and write it in English and in our own language. If it is possible, Irish students can write them in Gaelic. They can decorate them with Celtic images. (Calameo) MARCH Celtic music, dances.... Our students can model an original Celtic musical instrument. They can learn Celtics dances if we find them. APRIL Celtic traditions. They will look for them and every country will try to do a performance in front of their European partners (We can use skype) MAY Celtic potions and concoctions, amulets and magic. We all together will copy Celtic potions, concoctions, some of magic words… We can create a virtual book (We can use Calameo) JUNE We can visit a Celtic setlement next to our city. Photos and movies. We can create a common blog (blogger) where all members countries will be members. Our students can participate in the blog through us and they can comment their partners´ jobs.
Resultados esperados:
The project would be a good excuse to make small compositions, descriptions, interviews, , stories, recipes... They will be all written in English. We can create a blog where all of us can run it We will create a huge prezzi where we will add the different sections. Every one of us can distribute our works inside the school community. And the most important is that our students will enjoy knowing their common European Celtic origins
Socios del proyecto - 2 socio(s)
Materias: Arte , Ciudadanía , Educación especial , Música
Idiomas: EN
Teresa Sánchez (FUNDADOR/A)
Materias: Arte , Ciencias naturales , Historia de las culturas

The project is already registered  but We can´t invite to  you yet,   because the form of the twinspace is going to change  and we must to wait to September 22, when all the platform will be prepared.